June 30, 2013

Sleep Training Tips and Tricks!!

Sleep Training!

Many parents have asked me how did we get Xander to maintain a bedtime and nap time. Well here are a few tips I'd like to share with you to make sleep time magical instead of painful! Kids need sleep and having a toddler bedtime at 11pm is not enough sleep for a toddler. Making good sleep habits at a young age promote healthy sleeping habits throughout life. A toddler should be sleeping 11-12 hours every night. Here's how to make that happen.

1. Routine: Kids love a routine if the parents are willing to be consistant with the routine. Create a habit for your child so he/she will know when it's time for bed. Read them a book or bathtime - make sure you do the same thing every night to create a pattern. If you want your child to go to bed at 8pm then make sure you start a routine to make certain your child is ready for bed at 8pm. Create an atmosphere for sleeping. If you're child loves their blanky - make sure they have it. Turn on light mellow music or purchase a light machine to create stars on the walls and ceiling. Your child will being to understand that when the stars come on and the classic music is being played...it's time for bed.

2. Consistency: Stick with it!! Make sure you adhere to the routine on a daily basis. If your out with family and friends and bedtime is approaching make sure you're home by bedtime in order to stay on schedule.

3. Patience: Sleep training takes a lot of patience and you'll have to maintain patience throughout this process in order to be successful. Your child will cry and whine and whimper but STICK WITH IT. Your child will fall asleep but it may take an hour to two. Peek in on your child and even hug them and put them back in their bed. Hugging them allows them to understand that you are there and you do here their cries but it's time for bed.

Follow these steps and you'll be on your way to adult time in no time because your little one will be sound asleep.

If you have any questions let me know.


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